Self-Care during your follicular phase of your cycle
Check out the self-care series for each phase of your cycle below

Self-Care during follicular phase
(Also known as spring phase or waxing moon phase)
Experiment with an idea
What new ideas are coming through after the menstrual phase? How can you start planting those new ideas right now? What areas do you want to explore and add into your life that have been missing?
Lift weights to build more muscle
It's springtime baby, let's dance and have some fun!! Put on your Spring or Follicular season Spotify playlist and get to jamming.
Cleansing goddess bath with fresh or dried rose petals
Nurture the sensual side of yourself by drawing a bath with rose petals, epsom salts to help your tired muscles after your lifting workout.
Schedule your facial or massage or DIY it (see below for a recipe)
I love to pamper myself with facials or body scrubs at this time or really anytime of the month. I personally find it to be nourishing and such a sweet reminder of taking a few moments for me.
Yoni Steam
This is something I just started doing this past year and really do enjoy it. Basically you will boil a pot of herbs. There are so many different combos you can create based on what you're treating or if you just want a pleasurable blend. You place the pot in a yoni steam box (I did purchase one after looking at the other ways to do it which didn't sound as fun). You wait about 5 minutes for the herbs to cool and sit down on the box with a blanket over your lap. You will sit there between 10-20 minutes. You can meditate, read, or just stare into space.
Go forest bathing
Another wonderful activity to get connected with yourself. It's something I share in more detail on how to do a solo one in my Seasonal Living Collective program. I do advise doing at least one forest bathing experience a season.
2pm check-in
Set your phone timer and at 2pm everyday it will go off to remind you, how have you cared for you lately? What does your body need right now? Do you need movement, breath practice, or more water?
I would love to know how you plan to nourish yourself this phase of your cycle. Send me a DM on Instagram what landed best and feel free to share it out if you think this will help another cycling female.
Learn More about balancing your period
Flow with your cycle
An 8 week program where you learn my signature TEMP Method to help you balance your hormones and have pain free periods.

Learn how to work with your cycle to have lasting energy all month long.

Download the free self-care with your cycle guide below!
Learn how to tap into your inner seasonal wisdom each month.
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