Trusting your inner wisdom

Postpartum Support through Yoga, Ayurveda & Personal Training 

I was a three sport athlete in high school when one of my coaches introduced weight lifting to me. I was instantly hooked and started my personal training journey, by training teammates at the ripe age of 16. 

I've since worked with thousands of women in the past 15 years including Olympic athletes.

While fitness was my first passion as I became a mama my interests slowly started to shift. 

I discovered Ayurveda in the jungles of Costa Rica on a yoga retreat and knew instantly that, that was the path for me to explore, learn and embody. 

My journey to health started at 16, lifting weights in the girls only weight room..

Just a year after being introduced to Ayurveda I became pregnant with my son.

Little did I know that this science called Ayurveda would be what I leaned on to help pull me out of a postpartum fog. 

Ayurveda helped me truly understand how to slow down, tune in & connect with my own inner wisdom. 

You might feel lost, ungrounded, not connected to your higher purpose and not really understanding practices that will help you reach your goals. 

That is the beauty of Ayurveda

It gives you practices, tools, and the confidence to trust yourself again. 

Ayurveda helped open a door for me to explore my health from from a mind/body/soul prospective that just made sense.

I started rebuilding my definition of self, I started implementing more mindfulness tools into my routines, I found a workout program that nourished my body instead of depleting it, I found I was more connected to eating foods I could digest vs trying to follow a fad diet. 

It was a complete life transformation that continues to evolve and unfold in my life in new ways each and everyday. 

Why I started focusing on Ayurveda... 

To help postpartum mamas nourish, replenish and recover and to thrive as a mama for years to come. 

my greatest priority is...

A great wellness program incorporates a mind, body & soul approach. 

I believe that...

Learn how to slow down, tune in and connect with your inner wisdom using Ayurveda. 

my goal is to help you...

Ayurveda is for everyone

– Teresa G.


Client Testimonial 

And, now I'm here — helping amazing women create Ayurvedic lifestyles and transform themselves on the deepest of levels. 

to sum it up:

  • Movement– You need to understand what your body is telling you so you can feel confident in yourself. You will learn how to use your own intuition so you can nourish yourself based on your needs.  

  • Mindfulness– You feel like you're not the same day to day and are looking for practices the flow with your inner wise woman. Embrace living with the seasons, the lunar cycle or menstrual cycle if applicable. 

  • Mother Nature- This is where you uncover new tools for helping you stay healthy over the course of your lifetime. You will learn your dosha (mind/body type), and understand Ayurveda's approach to seasonal living. We go as deep into a more natural approach to your lifestyle as YOU would like to learn.

I use my 3 prong approach to help you transform your life: 

Seasonal Living Transformed Me

I went from an overly stressed need to do it all mom to feeling grounded and centered with seasonal practices.

Seasonal living has transformed my life. Mother nature has been my greatest teacher along with becoming a mother. 

The need for things to dissolve that no longer served me was becoming apparent after the birth of my second son.

Life got busy, sleep become less and my alone time was dwindling. 

My pitta energy needed to be tamed. That's when I came back to center with my seasonal Ayurvedic practices. They are my cornerstone for how I live my life and I want to teach them to you in this challenge! 

When life gets complicated the solutions need to be simple. 

B.A: Hamline University- Sports & Exercise Science and Psychology 2007

ACE Certified Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor since 2007

Pre/PostPartum Fitness Specialist- Jessie Mundell & Brianna Battles Programs- 200 hours

Cate Stillman- Living Ayurveda Program- 300 hour program

Katie Silcox- 600 hour Shakti School- Ayurvedic Health Counselor program

Yoga Teacher Training 230 hour- Minneapolis Retreat Center

30 hour- Restorative Yoga Teacher Training- Haus Yoga 

Yoga Teacher Training- 500 hour- Devanadi  School Of Yoga & Wellness

Reiki Level 1 Certified- Davanadi School of Yoga & Wellness

Inner Sun & Moon Ayurvdoula Program 

My formal education & training 

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda translates to wisdom of life. It is a holistic wellness system that combines mind, body & soul into its seasonal practices. Practicing Ayurveda helps you uncover new layers of yourself to help you realize your full potential. It truly is an all encompassing way of life. 

Ayurveda originated in India over 5000 years ago. The sacred practices have stood the test of time and even made there way into mainstream wellness programs- intermittent fasting, tongue scraping, neti pot, living with the seasons. 

I started my in-home personal training business- SaFire Training. 


the early days

After a yoga retreat in Costa Rica, I knew I wanted to add yoga as an option for my in-home clients. I became a 230 HR yoga teacher a month before giving birth to my son. 


Yoga Entered my life

I had my first son in February. I dove deep into my Ayurvedic studies in April that year. I felt lost, alone and confused until learning the magic that is Ayurveda.


I discovered Ayurveda & birthed my first child

I'm a lifelong learner and after getting introduced to Ayurveda at yoga, I was hungry for more. I studied in a 2 year program with Katie Silcox to become an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. 


I became an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor 

I wrote my first book all about Ayurvedic practices that you can do throughout each of the four seasons as well as the four menstrual cycle phases. 


I wrote my first book

What a year it's been I gave birth to my second son almost 7 years to the date after my first boy was born. I also released my second book- Ayurvedic Approach to Healing your Menstrual cycle. 


Birth of my son onyx & my 2nd book

I'm officially an Ayurdoula. Postpartum doula support from an Ayurvedic lens. 


Deepening my postpartum wisdom

the timeline of how i got here



average rating on my podcast

5 stars

numbers of Hours I've studied Ayurveda


hour certified yoga instructor


Learn what practices are best to live in alignment with the current season. You will also receive a yoga asana practice, seasonal tips, two Ayurvedic seasonal recipes and dosha pacifying practices. 

Ayurvedic Guide to the Fall Season 

free guide

easy to use free guide

    Learn about my programs

    Let's hop on a call and see if coaching with me is the right fit for you.  

    Interested in learning how to incorporate Ayurveda into your life?

    let's work together