Explore the sacred feminine through an Ayurvedic lens to live a cyclical life you love. 

For yoga teachers or yoga students wanting to deepen their Ayurvedic understanding.

Sacred Seasons

Winter Session Starts:
December 30th

Snag the Early Bird Pricing!

Early Bird Pricing through Dec. 1st

In our fast-paced world the rhythms of the sun, the moon and the seasons can often go unnoticed, but they affect us all.

Sacred Seasons is for the insight-seekers, life-long learners, and for those ready to choose a new path inspired by ancient ways.

Let's dive deep together

Have you been living life on someone else's terms? Do you know what you like to do for fun? So many of us have become out of balance with ourselves. We haven't been able to prioritize our health, take care of our stress, or even figure out what routines will help us make lasting changes.  

Sacred Seasons is a nurturing space where you explore the sacred rhythms of Ayurveda, embracing the cyclical wisdom of feminine wellness for holistic harmony and radiant vitality.


Ayurveda (which literally translates to the wisdom of life) it has been the vessel that has helped me bridge the gap of feeling lost, alone, and feeling like my true purpose wasn't being met. 

I went from throwing up weekly, feeling stressed out, burnt out and unclear to finally having a clear purpose that has kept me grounded and present in my life. I started to know myself again and found what really filled my cup up. 

I want to help you do the same on your terms. I'm all about helping you co-create your own roadmap for your evolving life.

When life gets hectic the solutions need to be simple.

In this immersive coaching experience you will have...

  • Group coaching calls to help transmit Ayurvedic teachings into your life
  • 1:1 coaching call to understand how to fit Ayurveda into your life as a student or teacher.
  • Weekly Seasonal Yoga Classes to connect inwards and feel the seasonal energy in your body.
  • Full Moon Virtual Circles to connect to your cyclical nature
  • Voxer or email support 
  • Ayurvedic seasonal guide for the Winter to deepen your own seasonal practices 

You will leave feeling grounded, energized and connected back to your inner wisdom. 

Sacred Seasons


Next session starts
December 30th

"I had previously felt like Ayurvedic was daunting and slightly un-relatable, although I was always very interested in the topic.

Andrea effortlessly took big Ayurvedic concepts and broke them down into relatable simple, actionable items that allowed me to reap the benefits of seasonal living, while also being able to dive deeper if I desired.

I absolutely recommend taking this course if you're interested at all in feeling more peaceful, grounded and connected with the Universe, especially if you're feeling more ungrounded and disconnected than ever.. " - Mona Lisa Ondevilla 

"Sacred Seasons was everything I asked for, and much, much more."

  • It will help you find your balance (learn how to keep your energy in alignment) 

  • You will learn how to create routines based on the seasons & the lunar cycle in a realistic way. 

  • You will have practices to help you reduce stress and stagnation that don't take hours.

  • You will have new tools to help you awaken your inner healer to become confident in your own intuition. 

  • Learn how to listen to mother nature as you transition from season to season. 

Ayurveda translates to wisdom of life

How Ayurveda can work for you!

Sacred Seasons

you're gonna love

Why I created the program:

I know I'm not the only mama who enjoys a Turmeric Gold Latte every now and again but also wants to live a holistic lifestyle. 

You don't want to feel shamed, or judged if you don't follow all the holistic living "rules". 

If you show up in a sweatshirt and not a flowy Goddess dress you want to feel accepted and seen. 

You're tired of feeling like you're not good enough because you don't meditate for an hour, drink green juice and have a screen free household. 

Snag the Early Bird Pricing

You're in the right place! 

I'm ready. Let's go!

Pricing Information 

join today


1 payment of

- most savings -



3 monthly payments of

- Most Flexible -

- Middle path -

2 monthly payments of



Save $100 early bird pricing lasts through December 1st

—Christina B.

I really loved this program! 

It was really nourishing having a guiding hand to help me on my Ayurvedic journey and to help me streamline the process. I learned how to trust my intuition and evaluate where my pitta is when making decisions in my life. 

The cornerstone of each Collective is the season we are in. What is happening outside your windows is happening in your body. Learn how to embrace a more cyclical lifestyle to live more in flow with life. 

Seasonal Wisdom

Every week we meet for restorative yoga to calm our nervous systems, a monthly full moon ceremony so you can dream again, and bi-weekly group coaching calls to gather as a collective. 

Weekly Gatherings

My goal is to break down Ayurveda in an easy to follow format so you feel confident & comfortable adding it to your lifestyle. No need to know anything about Ayurveda you will learn in our time together. 

Ayurveda Made Simple

This Program is Focused on Getting You Results in 3 Core Ways

Here is a sneak peak!

What's are the sacred Seasons fall topics?

→ Learn what the vata dosha is and how it can be implemented into your life.

→ Self-care practices for this time of year to keep you grounded and in balance.

→ You will leave the program with a new seasonal wellness routine in place to keep you being mindful in your daily life. 

→Feel confident that you can learn how to read the subtle nature of mother nature.  

in this week you'll discover:

The winter season is associated with air, ether, earth and water elements. Learn how to implement self-care, nutrition, movement, and other seasonal practices to keep you grounded, centered and in balance for you all season long.

Understanding the winter elements

Focus One

→ Learn how to embrace the medicine of the season to slow down.

→Why meditation and pranayama can help move stuck stagnant energy before the spring season. 

→ Improve your digestion by learning how to slow down. 

→How to reduce inflammation in the body so your ojas can shine.  

in this Week you'll discover:

Why embrace the stillness at this time of the year? This is the medicine many of us need to embrace in the dark, cold winter months. Learn to tap into your inner wisdom and reduce stress in your life by slowing down. 

Embracing the stillness 

Focus Two

→ What practices are best for your inner winter season to help you feel grounded and energized. 

→ Practices to incorporate during the fall months to help you heal from the rat race of daily living.

→ Go from feeling depleted, drained to learning new ways to awaken your inner wise woman.  

→Focus on releasing things that don't serve you so you don't get stuck in the yes, and loop.

you'll discover:

Connect to your intuition, through our womb space. Let's dive into your womb space with practices for the mind/body & soul. 

Womb Wisdom

Focus Three

→ You will create your own Ayurvedic 10 Minute "Medicine" wheel

→ A guide that has ideas for "you time" that will take you 5 minutes or less each day to align with your energetic center.

→ Ways to trust your intuition  

→A basic understanding of the vata dosha

you'll discover:

Ditch the old wellness rules and create your own based on your innate cyclical nature. Remember how to be your own healer again. 

Yin Energy 

Focus four

Join Today! 

By the end of the eight weeks, you will have the tools to carve out time for you, embrace the fall season and oh yeah.. understand how Ayurveda can fit into your life on a daily basis!  

You might be juggling your families schedules, working, and trying to manage your household and very unsure of where your needs fit in.

Sacred Seasons was designed for you. It will help you find YOU time in just 5 minutes each day. With suggested monthly self-care ideas laid out for you each month. 

We will have weekly restorative yoga practices, a monthly full moon ceremony with a community of others in Sacred Seasons, and 1:1 coaching calls that you can use at anytime during our time together.

It's time to put you on your calendar again. 

—Tara A.

"I understand how to listen to my body & have started to pause and ask my body if I need or want before over indulging in sweets!"

The Winter session will start on December 30th and runs until Feb. 23rd for a total of 8 weeks.

Upcoming Session:

  • One, 1:1 45 minute coaching call to help implement the right practices for you in the winter months
  • Bi-weekly group coaching calls, 60 minute group coaching calls focusing on womb wisdom practices and tapping into your yin energy and the vata dosha. 
  • Weekly online yoga to pacify the vata dosha (30 minutes) 
  • Virtual Full Moon Circles each month
  • Voxer support to answer questions and give you weekly journal prompts to connect to your inner wisdom.
  • Ayurvedic seasonal guides to help you understand how to reduce the dosha most prominent during that season.
  • 11 Continuing education credits for Yoga Alliance providers 

what's included

What's Inside...

I'm ready to go!

  • Enjoying the weekly accountability and holistic minded community. 
  • Trusting your own intuition and knowing what you need. 
  • A roadmap on what practices will work for you! 


  • Feeling stuck & stagnant 
  • Constantly hopping from wellness program to wellness program
  • Feeling unmotivated and confused about Ayurveda

Go from...

Doing more is not always the answer. You're ready to shift your self-care, workout, and spiritual practices to help you feel aligned to your intuition.  

You believe that...

Quick fixes. You've been there done that and want something that will help you deepen your inner wisdom. 

Your not about...

health habits that you can SUSTAIN, not a flash in the pain trend that you'll eventually quit.

You're all about...

What Makes This Different From Everything You've Tried Before

"I now understand what it means to listen to my body since studying Ayurveda with Andrea.""
—Teresa G. 

"I'm more in tune with what my body needs."

LEarn My Story

I specialize in pre/postpartum wellness through an Ayurvedic lens. Pre/postpartum fitness has been something I've focused on for 17 years now and is my passion & calling in life. 

I host a weekly podcast, Peaceful Power Podcast and have written two cyclical living books- Divine Body Wisdom and Ayurvedic Approach to Healing Your Menstrual Cycle. 

I graduated from Shakti School in 2019 as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. I'm a 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic postpartum doula graduate from Inner Sun & Moon AyurDoula Program. 

My other interests are playing tennis, watching the Hallmark Channel, and enjoying my morning cup of coffee. I also love exploring my favorite nature trail with my two boys and hubby. 

I'm an Ayurvedic Wellness counselor, Ayurvedic postpartum doula & 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Personal trainer since 2007.

I'm Andrea — your Ayurveda & Yoga  Guide

let's get started 

Tap into your cyclical being during our monthly virtual full moon circles to remember your inner magic. 

Full Moon Circles

Join us each week for a calming restorative and yin yoga practice each week. Come live or catch the recording each week! 

Weekly Yin/Restorative Yoga

You will get to ask questions in real time to Andrea so you can get the questions answered throughout your time in the Collective.

Voxer Support

Have the accountability to implement the practices each week and know what will work for you. 

Group & 1:1  Coaching Call Support

When you sign up for Sacred Seasons you're getting...

ok, let's recap!

"I also lost 30 pounds, and have a consistent yoga practice, improved my digestion and feel stronger in my body. ” — Diane T. 

"I no longer use eating or smoking to mask the uncomfortable feelings that surface in my life!"

Common Qs and As:

I have a question...

All group coaching calls and yoga practices will be recorded and uploaded the day of the event. You can watch them later that day at a time convenient for you. 

What if I can't make the live coaching calls?

Nope. Every season is different, we focus on new topics and the doshic energy most predominant at that time. 

I've done the Sacred Seasons before is it the same material?  

Some people will want to work on their routines which might be from 5-60 minutes a day depending on your experience with Ayurvedic practices. 

How much time will I need to devote to the program?

You will have access to the membership portal until April 30th, 2025. 

How long do we have access to the material? 

This is the perfect program to start with! I will go over the basics of what you need to know for the winter season.

The 1:1 calls can be used to implement your specific strategies and needs. 

What if I don't know very much about Ayurveda?

Yes, my goal is to have yoga teachers leave with the wisdom of what poses to incorporate into your classes during the season. You will also learn what language to use and how to introduce Ayurveda to your students.

Will I learn how to introduce Ayurveda into my yoga classes?

Yes! I've been a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher for 16 years and always give modifications for all movements. 

For yin and restorative yoga it's all about calming down the nervous system. Very gentle movements. You will just need bolsters or pillows, blankets, and maybe a few yoga blocks. 

Will the yoga practices be friendly towards all levels & abilities? 

I find people have more full schedules so four weeks seems to be ideal for the busier time of year for many. 

Why is the summer Sacred Seasons only 4 weeks?

I'm ready. Let's go!

get started today

i'm all in!

one payment of $397

Pay in full for $397!

most savings

most flexible plan

Let's Go

Get started for $140!

three Monthly payments of $140

  • Group coaching calls to help customize the material to your needs.

  • Weekly group yin yoga practices to hold you accountable each week and tap you into the yin energy. 

  • Educational Portal to learn at your pace. 

  • Voxer or email access to Andrea all month long to help you get the most out of the program. 

  • 1:1 coaching call 

  • Group coaching calls to help customize the material to your needs.

  • Weekly group yin yoga practices to hold you accountable each week and tap you into the yin energy. 

  • Educational Portal to learn at your pace. 

  • Voxer or email access to Andrea all month long to help you get the most out of the program. 

  • 1:1 coaching call 

Get started for $205!

middle path

  • Group coaching calls to help customize the material to your needs.

  • Weekly group yin yoga practices to hold you accountable each week and tap you into the yin energy. 

  • Educational Portal to learn at your pace. 

  • Voxer or email access to Andrea all month long to help you get the most out of the program. 

  • 1:1 coaching call 

two Monthly payments of $205

Let's Go

Early Bird Pricing: Save $100 through December 1st!

No matter if you're cycling, in perimenopuase or menopause we will dive deep on how this works for you on our group calls. If that doesn't feel relevant for you, this program isn't a fit. 

You don't want to look at your hormones and the seasons

If you're not open to hearing about Ayurveda and don't see the purpose this is not the program for you. 

You don't believe in Ayurveda 

If you know January is crazy busy and you won't have time to be on the calls or watch the replays or do the weekly challenges. Now is not the right time to join. 

You can't commit to putting your health first this January

If you still want to put band-aids over your problems, and are not ready to really dive deep. 

You're not ready to get to the root cause. 

This is not for you if...

but will this work for me?

Stop living in a world that doesn't honor your hormones. It's time to take charge of your health!

You are ready to live in alignment with your cycle & the seasons.

Ayurveda is a mind/body/soul approach that recognizes you're not separate from your body. 

You want a holistic approach to your wellness routines

Balancing the vata dosha will help reduce stress & anxiety learn the right practices for you. 

You are ready to reduce stress, and anxiety

If you found Ayurveda overwhelming in the past this program keeps things simple and easy to follow for you.

You are curious about Ayurveda but don't know where to start.

This is for you if...

but will this work for me?

Here's exactly what our customers are saying

Is it worth it?

With this program, you can.

  • Have sustained lasting energy. 

  • Know what Ayurvedic practices are right for you and what to skip. 

  • Understand how to listen to your body and become your own wellness detective. 

  • Have more creative energy for work, family & your own hobbies. 

  • A deeper understanding of your body so you can truly understand your hormones.

  • Sync your life with the seasons. 

  • Rebuild your morning & evening routines and actually stick to them. 

Imagine if you could...