Get a prompt a day for the next 28 days to implement Ayurveda into your life one step at a time.
Ayurveda has recommendations for each season based on the energy of the season, and the gunas.
LEarn My Story
I specialize in cyclical wisdom through an Ayurvedic lens by incorporating lunar & menstrual cycle alignment practices to help you live a more ritual, grounded and slowed down life.
I host a weekly podcast, Peaceful Power Podcast and have written two cyclical living books- Divine Body Wisdom and Ayurvedic Approach to Healing Your Menstrual Cycle.
I graduated from Shakti School in 2019 as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. I'm a 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic postpartum doula graduate from Inner Sun & Moon AyurDoula Program. I've specialized in pre/postpartum fitness since 2007.
My other interests are playing tennis, watching the Hallmark Channel, and enjoying my morning cup of coffee. I also love exploring my favorite nature trail with my two sons and husband.
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This program is for yoga students or teachers wanting to deepen their understanding of Ayurveda.
You will learn how to connect to nature, your inner goddess, the moon, and how to balance your ojas (vital energy).
I'm ready
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