Menstrual Self-Care and Ayurveda
In Ayurveda the menstrual phase of your cycle is a time to rest, go inwards, take care of you. So that the rest of the month you will have increased energy, have better health and be able to tap into the 4 superpowers throughout your cycle.
Let's dive into what are some tips and self-care ideas during the bleeding time of your cycle.
Avoid cold foods & fluid
- Cold creates constriction which won't allow the blood to flow freely out of you during this time. You want the blood to flow freely vs bottled up in the uterus to be released next cycle. (which looks like dark brown blood when you first start bleeding)
- Enjoy warm, moist foods- oatmeal, soup, stewed dates, and baked sweet potatoes
Drink hot Tea
- Ginger tea, chamomile tea, rose tea or lemon balm tea. Fresh herbs 1 Tbsp or teas you purchase from the store.
- Alternate these teas the week before and during your cycle

Free Guide Ayurvedic Menstrual Cycle
Learn how the doshas are involved with the menstrual cycle and what dosha your cycle is most like and how to reduce PMS based on your cycle!
Take time to rest
- Discomfort signals you to slow down
- Rest is best- menstrual phase mantra
Coconut oil massage
- Coconut oil is cooling that promotes a relaxed nervous system and tissues. Do this before or after you shower. Make sure you massage the belly, hips and low back.
Lavender Essential Oil
- Soak a cloth in warm water with lavender oil (that has been diluted with a carrier oil, meaning add the lavender oil to sesame or avocado oil before soaking the cloth). Place over belly and add a heating pack on top of towel for 10-20 minutes.
- What it does- it soothes and helps you release the gripping/tightness of the uterus.
- You could also do a hot bath with lavender essential oil in it.
- Reflect on the month. Express your feelings, thoughts and desires.
- Pay attention to what symptoms you have, and reflect on what you ate, what exercise you did the previous month, and how you released or expressed your emotions. That is always a good indicator of how intense your bleeding phase will be based on your last month.
- Take time to unplug from social media and watch what you're consuming news wise. This tends to be a sensitive time in our cycle and we want to stay tuned in vs numbed out.
Avoid Coffee & caffeine
- Caffeine is linked to heightened estrogen levels, elevated symptoms of PMS & amplified states of anxiety.
- This is your permission to relax and not be hyped up for 5 days!
Eat foods high in iron
- Iron rich foods are blood builders. Examples- lentils, kidney beans, dates, goji berries, and green vegetables.

What does a healthy bleed look like according to Ayurveda?
- Occurs 1x month
- Bright red without clots or mucus
- Free of pain and bloating
- Free of irritability, mood-swings and depression
- Does not stain clothing (which is a sign of ama)
- Has no foul odor
- On average is 4 cupped handfuls of liquid a month

Wanting to dive deeper with your cycle?
Self-Care With Your Menstrual Cycle is a month long program to help you sync with your cycle.
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