Welcome to the Peaceful Power Podcast today I chat about staying in your feminine power.
5 Day Soup Challenge
Feminine power can mean something different to everyone depending on what they interrupt that to mean. I for one have never been fully in tune with my feminine power. I have always been a tom boy and felt the need to push, push, push to reach goals. I recently posted a question in one of the online Facebook groups I’m in asking for strategies on how to receive more as that is what my Angel cards keep telling me to do. Ironically the answer was in the question. Stop looking for a play by play of how to do things and turn inwards and just be. I wanted to share a few ways I’ve started to claim my feminine energy just a bit more over the last few years. One of the tipping points for me wanting to tap into this energy as when I was pregnant with my son it was almost like an embarrassing time for me. I didn’t embrace the beauty of what the female body can do and just felt like I wasn’t one of the guys anymore. Growing up with 3 brothers & lots of male friends it was just a weird situation. I tried to go to yoga to help myself become more aligned with my new body which worked a little bit but I just felt odd about the entire pregnancy. I wanted to tap into the feminine side so if we decide to have more kids I wouldn’t feel so disconnected from my body and really just want to start honing my feminine power more than I have in the past.
Topics Discussed
- Akashic record reading- mostly males in past lives
Signing up for the Wise Women of Winter retreat
- Rebecca Campbell- Rise Sister Rise book
- Rebecca Campbell- Rise Sister Rise monthly site
- Watching women who I admire change & grow in their careers & feminine power such as Lori Harder & Sarah Jenks
- Having a morning routine that taps into slowing down and receiving
- Cultivating more kapha energy – homemade gifts, coloring, reading, just relaxing more
- Yoga
My Weekly Challenge
Where to connect with Andrea
- Instagram- instagram.com/andreaclaassen21
- Facebook- facebook.com/andreaclaassen21
- Website- andreaclaassen.com
- Facebook Group- facebook.com/groups/peacefulpower
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