Should you weigh yourself daily?
The scale is something I choose to not have a relationship with.
It sounds like an awful relationship it’s something that can make us instantly feel like 💩 or make us feel joy just because we chose to base our value on the number it gave us 🤷🏼♀️
It's a very one sided relationship if you ask me..
It can be used as a metric, Sure..
but most people I've met can't do that without developing an unhealthy relationship with the number.
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It’s a relationship I haven’t had for 5 years and must say it’s freeing. If my clothes fit tighter I get the memo, if I don’t feel as toned I can see that, if I eat like crap, & don’t move my body I know what will happen. I don’t need a number to suddenly make or break my day.
I’ve trained hundreds of clients in the past 15 years and one thing that I’ve found is it’s never the number.
I’ve had clients reach the number just to realize that wasn’t “it”. That wasn’t the thing that made them happier, or fixed things they thought it would.
You have to have a good relationship with yourself. There is no magic number that will make you happy or fix things that don’t have anything to do with the number on the scale.
I used to weigh & measure clients monthly when I was in-person with them, but slowly went away from that the last few years of training in-person. I just didn’t see the value nor did the clients I attract.
Maybe it’s my age (being closer to 40), maybe it’s being out of the personal training space, but I don’t see that number as something that needs to be used as a tool.
If you find yourself saying but Andrea, how will I know if I gained 2 pounds?
I have 2 thoughts
1️⃣Do you need to know?
2️⃣Do you already have an idea you gained weight and you don’t need a scale to verify that…
Again I come back to Ayurveda and knowing yourself, truly deeply, understanding how your body responds. You don’t need all the gadgets if you tune in. Gadgets are great if you can keep a non -attachment relationship with them and not become obsessed with the numbers…

Weekly Challenge
Notice your own relationship with the scale this week. Do you need to shift things or perspective to help you reach your goals?
Join Self-Care Cycle Challenge
It's my 4 week self-care with your moon cycle challenge. Every day for 4 weeks you will get a fun self-care practice that will take between 1-10 minutes to help you align your practices to what you're body is craving each phase of your menstrual cycle. Of course there is an awesome prize box for 1 winner at the end of the 4 weeks, a Facebook group for accountability, 1 live coaching call and a membership portal so you can download and go with your material all month long!
If this is for you join here!

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