Workout With Your Cycle Guide

Here is lifting guide to each phase of your cycle. A few exercises I would recommend for each phase.
🩸Menstrual- Rest is best is my motto. Not everyone has that philosophy but Ayurvedically speaking your body is doing a lot to release and shed. Your hormones are at their lowest so honor your bodies wisdom if you need to rest especially if you’re still bleeding heavily on day 3 even.

💃🏼Follicular- The rise of estrogen during this phase has been shown to increase the chance for injury by 3x. Instead use that phase to practice core and pelvis stability to build a strong foundation and decrease injury.

💖Ovulation- This time can be tricky. If you have great energy keep up with the intensity of your workouts.
**I have spoken with many clients sometimes those few days of ovulation you might feel crampy and not have good energy. Listen to that. We are all not the same so if you have prolapse, endo, or PCOS you might experience a dip in energy..

🤪Luteal- This phase I think of in 2 parts. Part 1 you have great energy and can continue compound movements, as you get closer to menstruation tune back into core & stability work with lighter lifting sessions.

Wanting to know more about your cycle?
Flow with your cycle an 8 week journey into diving deeper into your menstrual cycle and how to fight period pain and live insync with your natural rhythms.
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