Summer to Fall Seasonal Tips
- Enjoy local produce- now is a wonderful time to check out your local farmers market to see what is growing in your area and what's in season. Plus you can talk to the people who grow your food which I always find a wonderful bonus!
- Start to transition your cooling salads & beverages for warmer ones- Trade in your salads for cooked veggies or soups. If you have been doing a cooler beverage mid-afternoon try a cup of tulsi tea instead a few days a week. Make this transition a gradual one to ease your body into the new season.
- Take care of your liver- The liver removes unwanted toxins, it helps bile production & secretion as well as metabolism and regulates blood pressure. A few ideas to take care of your liver- eat leafy greens, exercise before 10am and to 50% of your capability, have a mindfulness practice- whether that be meditation, walk in nature, or yoga nidra, express your emotions, and practice abhyanga. I will record a podcast in the future dedicated to this organ as it's an important one!
- Abhyanga- Here is a video on how to practice.
- Cleanse- This is also a time of year a lot of people like to do kitchari cleanses or do a full panchakarma. (Panchakarma you do with an Ayurvedic professional not on your own and typically you go to a resort for a week or so for this process. Don't try on your own).

Craving More Seasonal Tips?
Check out the Seasonal Living Collective
Stay grounded, get present and be more mindful this Fall season.
Embrace Ayurvedic habits to help you stay in alignment with you!
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