Winter Season & the vata dosha.
The winter season in Ayurveda is associated with the vata dosha. Yep, the doshas are not only mind/body types but they are associated with a time of day and season. Meaning the fall & early winter seasons have the same qualities that a vata dosha in a person has- cold, dry, light, subtle, clear, flowing, hard, rough, mobile.
There are a few tips you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help combat that often frantic, ungrounded energy that can come with the vata dosha.
✨Wearing a hat and scarf help protect the ears which are associated with the vata dosha.
✨When you go outside bundle up and nature will help you stay grounded if you slow down to enjoy it.
✨Build a schedule- Vata loves being a little ungrounded and keeping a schedule will help pacify that on the go energy vata imbalances often feel like.
✨Self-massage- Grab that sesame oil and lather up your body.
✨Enjoy root vegetables- Root vegetables help ground you down and are nice and hearty for this time of year. They are also in season.
✨Routines, routines, routines- Build a morning and evening routine that connects you with you.
These are great practices to do in the fall & winter time no matter your dosha (mind/body type) because they help pacify that vata energy that can make you ungrounded, scattered, anxious and restless.

Wanting to dive deeper into seasonal living according to Ayurveda?
Learn more here- Seasonal Living Collective
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