Why do we need rest?
In our go go go society it’s hard to imagine that slowing down will lead to lasting results, but it’s true. That’s why intervals work so well you go all out for a bit but have time built in for rest. We have built our lives to look like always on the go without the rest component. That’s when burn-out, adrenal fatigue, and collapsed nervous systems can happen.
Other reasons for rest
Balance hormones
Support for the immune system
Reduce inflammation in the body
Give our minds a break
Enhance creativity
Bring peace to your mind
Ayurvedic approach to daily living
I’m going to share an ideal way to move through your day in an Ayurvedic way. Ayurveda is all about intentional living and noticing how you are feeling and doing. These are all suggestions and by no means do you need to do all of the things especially if that stresses you out. The list is meant to be helping you slow down not do more.
Morning Routines
Rise with the sun
Tongue Scrape
Oil pulling
Drink warm water with lemon
Full elimination
Meditation or journal (mindful practice)
Move your body
Mid-day Routines
Large Lunch
2pm check-in
Try and cut off work hours by a certain time
Evening Routine
Eat before 6pm
Off screens by 6pm
In bed by 10pm
Those routines are built to help you relax and have a framework for your day. They will help you have built in relaxation time into your day by having those frameworks set you will hopefully be able to relax and restore just a bit more.
To dive deeper into Ayurveda check out my free 28 day toolkit below.
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