What Foods to avoid this fall season

The fall in Ayurveda can be a brisk, windy, & have variable temperatures. It is associated with the vata dosha which is related to the wind, cold, and variable, scattered thoughts & emotions. With the change in weather comes changes in routines. We are in the middle of that Fall season right now. Let’s break down why these are not advised in the fall according to Ayurveda.
Cold food & drink- it’s cold outside which tends to make the vata dosha extra cold and become more out of balance. Room temperature or warm water is advised to keep you a little more warm to the core.
Salads & raw foods- Vata dosha can be related to constipation and dryness which if that is the case salads are not the easiest to digest and are typically cold. If you cook your veggies in your salad then you are good to digest & go.
Dry snack foods- The drying foods once more are related to constipation and can dry out the colon and intestines.
Limit coffee & caffeine- The caffeine tends to aggravate the vata dosha causing you to become more ungrounded and scattered in your thoughts & actions.
Eating too much at one time- This is never recommend as the extra full feeling can make you very uncomfortable.
Eating between meals- This can interrupt digestion and cause digestion issues with various doshas.
Nightshades- They can be too heating to the body and throw off all 3 doshas. They have also been linked to inflammation in the body.
If this list is overwhelming and has too many components start with one to two tips. Less is always more when building new habits. Start small and once that becomes a habit add another one, so you won’t feel overwhelmed.

Learn more Ayurvedic Tips in the Seasonal Living Collective
A 6 week journey into living a cyclical life during the Fall season. Learn Ayurvedic, seasonal & menstrual cycle tips!

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