Welcome to the Peaceful Power Podcast with Erika Fischer as our guest today talking about addiction & yoga.
I was finding Erika's work on Instagram and have been loving what she has been putting out into the world. I looked into her website & philosophy and we are very aligned with our views on yoga and how it can transform people's lives. Erika has battled her own addictions in the past and now runs an outpatient treatment center with yoga as a focal point.
Background on Erika
Connect with Erika
Topics Discussed
- Her personal battles growing up & how she found herself in the yoga world
How yoga & meditation work in her treatment center
- Incorporating both fire & compassion in her teachings
- Finding your higher self
- Letting go of past stories that are no longer serving us
- How becoming a mother has shifted her yoga practice & life
Erika's Weekly Challenge
Where to connect with Andrea
- Instagram- @seasonallivingmamas
- Facebook- @andreaclaassen21
- Website- andreaclaassen.com
- Facebook Group- facebook.com/groups/peacefulpower

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