The Subtle Doshas: Tejas
The subtle body is the connection between the body and consciousness. It can't be seen, it's more felt than anything.
Prana is associated with vata dosha
Tejas is associated with pitta dosha
Ojas is associated with kapha dosha
Tejas are the cosmic intelligence, the light within the life force. It is your dharma inside you on every single level. It’s the glow of your skin, the light of your presence, it is what give purpose to anything and anyone. It is the subtle dosha of pitta.
Ways to shift tejas
Sankalpas are is a firm inner resolve. Sankalpa translates to intention. You might create a sankalpa before you start your day, your yoga teacher might suggest setting a sankalpa before you practice, or you might have the same sankalpa for a year working on achieving your inner most intentions.
You often don’t repeat your sankalpa to others. You keep it to yourself working on achieving your intention day by day.
Create your sankalpa by:
- Reforming a habit.
- Improves the quality of your life.
- Creates a change in your personality or behaviour.
- Realise what you want to achieve in your life.
- Visualize your Sankalpa.
Gayatri Mantra is a common mantra that is light, life and radiance. This mantra is like solar energy in syllable form. You can hum it, listen to it or simply contemplate it.
You can search Spotify for Gayatri Mantra there are many variations of the mantra pick one that speaks to your heart.
Rasa Sadhana
Become aware of your emotions. Make sure you express your emotions on a regular basis. Pitta dosha sometimes struggles with expressing their emotions and things feel stuck. The subtle side of tejas is making sure you fully let out your true feelings to keep your energy flowing in your mind, body & soul.
How do you need to work on expressing your emotions today?
Tejas is the subtle dosha that helps shift life force in the body. It's the subtle essence that keeps you sharp and focused without getting burned out. It's how you can soften into your practice & your body.
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