The 14 Day Seasonal Ayurvedic Shift

November 18, 2022


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I'm here to help you integrate the timeless principles of Ayurveda, lunar wisdom, and menstrual cycle alignment effortlessly into your daily routine.

I'm Andrea - your Seasonal living guide

In the Ayurvedic text the next seasonal transition happens November 22nd to December 9th, transitioning from Autumn to Early Winter. Autumn you are balancing the pitta and vata dosha and early winter the shift to pacifying excess vata begins. You might already start to feel the pull inwards, like I know I have recently. It snowed here in Minnesota yesterday and now again today the light, fluffy, fun snow. One final note these 2 weeks in the Ayurvedic text are climate dependent…being in Minnesota we usually shift earlier. If you live in a colder state or country you might be starting the below practices now. If you live in a milder, warmer climate you might start the shift in a few weeks yet.

Personally, I feel the stillness calling me, I baked my first loaf of bread over the weekend, I made broccoli & cheddar soup, I started drinking my warm teas again, and introduced yoga nidra back into my afternoons. Those are ways I’m starting my own shift into the early winter season. Notice what is calling you right now. If you’re a mama you might also notice your little ones taking your lead with this seasonal shift. My son asks for his daily elderberry and vitamin C boost since he sees me doing it. He asked to decorate for the holidays over the weekend. He feels the cocooning energy as well in his own little way. Never underestimate your own teaching powers just by being you.


​14 Day Ayurvedic Seasonal Transition 

  1. ​1/4 of previous season's routines and 3/4 of the new season's routines ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) ​
  2. ​Practicing all of your old seasonal routines still (​if you update your morning routine continue doing your fall routine on day 2) 
  3. ​1/4 of previous routines and 3/4 of new ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 
  4. ​1/2 of previous and 1/2 of new routines ​(keep your old morning routine and workout schedule but add in a yoga nidra practice) 
  5. ​1/4 of previous and 3/4 of new season  ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 
  6. 1/4 of previous and 3/4 of new season ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 
  7. 1/2 of previous season and 1/2 of new season ​(keep your fall morning routine & fall foods but add in more stillness into your afternoons) 
  8. 1/4 of previous and 3/4 of new season ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 
  9. 1/2 of previous season and 1/2 of new season (keep your fall morning routine & fall foods but add in more stillness into your afternoons) 
  10. 1/2 of previous season and 1/2 of new season (keep your fall morning routine & fall foods but add in more stillness into your afternoons) 
  11. 1/4 of previous season and 3/4 of new season ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 
  12. 1/4 of previous season and 3/4 of new season ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 
  13. None of previous season and full practices for the new season ​(all new winter practices including your morning routine) 
  14. 1/4 of previous and 3/4 of new season ​(keep your fall morning routine but shift everything else to be winter based) 


As always with Ayurveda you will do things gradually and by connecting to your intuition. As I stated above for how I personally am making the shift it's very intuitively. I haven't yet switched up my morning routines to be early winter focused but will be in 2 weeks which ironically is when I enter my 3rd trimester so perfect timing all around for me to make those shifts.

Seasonal Living Collective

Wanting more Seasonal Wisdom?

Seasonal Living Collective


Join us for the 4 week Seasonal Living Collective experience. It is designed to help you become more in-tune with yourself, and help you connect to your inner magical medicine. You will learn how to connect to nature, your inner goddess, the moon, your divine self, and how to balance your ojas (vital energy).

I wanted to create this program to help women become more confident in listening to our intuition by using tools that have been at our disposal for centuries. In recent years we’ve forgotten our connection to the powers that lie deep in our bones and I want to help you awaken to your powers once again.

Early Winter Morning Practices

  • Scrape your tongue and brush your teeth
  • Yoga asana emphasizing forward bends, twists and extensions
  • Alternate nostril breathing
  • Quiet meditation for 20 minutes
  • Abhyanga practice (sesame oil or lavender oil) use the code ANDREA10 to get 10% off of Osi Oils
  • Eat a warm cooked breakfast- oatmeal is a great option in this season

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I'm here to help you integrate the timeless principles of Ayurveda, lunar wisdom, and menstrual cycle alignment effortlessly into your daily routine.

I'm Andrea - your Seasonal living guide

LEarn My Story

I specialize in cyclical wisdom through an Ayurvedic lens by incorporating lunar & menstrual cycle alignment practices to help you live a more ritual, grounded and slowed down life.

I host a weekly podcast, Peaceful Power Podcast and have written two cyclical living books- Divine Body Wisdom and Ayurvedic Approach to Healing Your Menstrual Cycle. 

I graduated from Shakti School in 2019 as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. I'm a 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic postpartum doula graduate from Inner Sun & Moon AyurDoula Program. I've specialized in pre/postpartum fitness since 2007. 

My other interests are playing tennis, watching the Hallmark Channel, and enjoying my morning cup of coffee. I also love exploring my favorite nature trail with my two sons and husband. 

I'm an Ayurvedic Wellness counselor, Ayurvedic postpartum doula & 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Personal trainer since 2007.

I'm Andrea — your Ayurvedic Personal Trainer & Yoga  Guide.

Learn what practices are best to live in alignment with the current season. You will also receive a yoga asana practice, seasonal tips, two Ayurvedic seasonal recipes and dosha pacifying practices. 

Ayurvedic Guide to the Fall Season 

free guide

easy to use free guide