Ayurvedic Summer Rituals
In Ayurveda the summer months are associated with the pitta dosha. What does the pitta qualities mean?
Qualities of the pitta dosha
- Fire/Water elements
- Pungent
- Light
- Hot
- Sharp
- Acidic
- Intense
- Penetrating
The dosha governs transformation, metabolism, and digestion. When heat increases in the body inflammation, heat and anger can build up in the body. That is one reason crime is more common in the summer months the heat rises outside and inside the body.

Summer Rituals
Soak in the Moonlight
The lunar energy is cooling especially towards that intense pitta energy. The summer months are also ones where you might stay up later to greet the moon each evening. A great place to start is notice what phase the moon is in. You can easily google to find the phase, and We'Moon is a great calendar if you want to track the lunar phases all month long.
Take time to Rest
Make sure you spend time resting. Those hot summer afternoons make you tired. There was a reason my basketball coaches didn't want me swimming on game days. The sun makes you tired whether you realize it or not. So make sure you have time to sit under a tree and read a book for example. Maybe you find a more shaded trail to walk or bike on.
Eat for the Season
The summer months the food should be:
- Lighter in nature favor foods like- coconut oil, avocado, asparagus, barley, basmati rice, dates, summer squash, and cucumbers.
- Sweet fruits like watermelon, apples, and pears can be nourishing and hydrating on warmer days.
- Stay away from oily, fried, and spicy foods.
- Tomatoes, garlic and alcohol can increase the heat in the body.
Sensory Therapies
Often the pitta dosha can be overstimulated and get burned out easily. Taking time to reduce the load on your 5 senses can be very beneficial especially in the summer months. Jasmine and sandalwood are both scents that are balancing to the pitta dosha. You can also practice breathwork-shitali and nadi shodhana to help calm down the mind and body.
Moon Salutations
Moon salutations are a calming and cooling yoga sequence especially for the lunar side of us to balance the pitta flames.
See below for the moon salutations sequence.

Craving more Ayurvedic Wisdom?
Check out my Seasonal Living Collective where we deep dive into the current season to help you live a more seasonal lifestyle.
You will get breathwork practices, morning and evening routines, yoga sequences, and nutritional tips based on the current season.
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