Ayurvedic Herbs
If you are new to herbs, experienced with herbs, this episode will have so many aha moments, or insights into Ayurvedic herbs. I had 3 pages of notes myself and have studied these herbs in the past. It was a great refresher, Tamara also spoke to common myths about many of the herbs that I've heard through the years. She spoke about 5 common Ayurvedic herbs who they are for, what there qualities are, and what to consider when taking herbs.
Tamara Bio
Where to connect with Tamara
If people self-prescribe herbs
Brahmi/gotu kola
- Triphala
- Tulsi/Holy Basil
- Herbs that are safe for pregnancy or not...
- Should we take herbs for long term use or safer in smaller doses
Weekly Challenge
Buy an herb we discussed about on the show and try it this week in a way Tamara discussed on the show.

Andrea Bio
Learn about Andrea's new book
Learn how to slow down and tune in to your body's natural rhythms to live a more cyclical and seasonal life. Discover how to harness your energy during the different phases of the lunar or menstrual cycle in each of the four seasons. Explore a new way of being: now is the time to trust your divine body wisdom.
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