Done with the new year, new you?
Me too!
I feel that has been played out for a few reasons.
- We are constantly evolving a new year doesn't dictate when we need to change.
- The message has been taken over with the promise of weight loss, new workout routines, diets in the fitness industry and it makes me sick...
What to do instead?
Let's start getting more intentional with ourselves. What do you really crave? What do you really desire? Where do you need support in your life? How can you show up more as you, even just a little bit in your daily life?
Let's start getting intentional
What are your truest desires?
If you could wave a magic wand what would you want your career to be, where would you like to live, how much money would feel ideal?
Work 1 quarter at time this year
If 2020 taught us anything it's to move at a slower pace and planning your life out 10 years in advance isn't going to work anymore. Now you can still have long- term goals but really implementing smaller chunks of focused time on one phase of your goal.

How can you add in layers?
When we set intentions we might slowly start to fold in different levels or layers to our goals. For example, I'm writing a book and my goal is to have it self-published by Dec. 1st, 2021. I have booked myself a room at a retreat center so I can write one section of my book in January. I'm working with a writing coach and slowly adding in more projects to the book as they are needed. I didn't just start by finding an illustrator for the book cover, deciding on the software I want to use to format the book, write the entire book in one month. I have layers to that goal that will slowly be added in as needed.
What is the next best thing?
Taking a line from Frozen 2, what is the next best thing? What do you need to do to start reaching your goals? Why haven't they worked in the past? Did you have a goal of becoming healthier but you actually need support and hire someone to help you? Really get clear on where you can improve to actually reach your goals in 2021.
Wanting to dive deeper with your health in 2021 and looking for a group coaching environment to help you reach your goals?
The next round of the Seasonal Living Collective starts on January 17th, 2021. We are diving deep into 3 areas.
- Awakening your inner healer
- Moon Medicine
- Grounding practices & movement
This will be such a magical session I can already feel this medicine so needed in the world.
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