Celebrating the Winter Solstice

December 17, 2020


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I'm here to help you integrate the timeless principles of Ayurveda, lunar wisdom, and menstrual cycle alignment effortlessly into your daily routine.

I'm Andrea - your Seasonal living guide

Celebrating the winter solstice

I have been celebrating the winter solstice with intention now since 2017. I started with making winter solstice baskets for friends which you can read more about in the following articles.

Ways to celebrate the winter solstice

Winter Solstice baskets 


This year being 2020 it's a time to really embrace the rituals that fuel you and give you life, hope, and meaning. For me that is the winter solstice. It is also a very powerful time of the year astrologically speaking.  A reminder the winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.



On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will be visible from the sky for the first time since 1226 A.D. Astronomers are calling it the conjunction and a Christmas Star.


There is a big change coming astrologically meaning old ways, leaders are falling to make way for the new leadership and society building up right now.


Nordic Traditions

From the Nordic tradition a yule log was burned because the God Thor was bringing warmth and sunshine back to people again. The log was never fully burned to signify good luck for the following year.

Celebrating the Winter Solstice

The menu

This year I will be making my now tradition of Chicken pot pie. I have perfected my recipe and really enjoy making it. I set the table with a beautiful tablecloth, have a candlelight dinner for my family and I. I will also be continuing the tradition of making braided bread, wassail and trying a new spicy chai snicker doodle for after dinner.



Other ideas to embrace the season

  • Make winter solstice baskets for friends (see above for ideas of what to include)
  • Relax by a fire place maybe burn a yule log or find a station on tv with a yule log, or keep a candlelit room, with a Christmas tree lights if you celebrate Christmas and have a tree.
  • Make potpourri
  • Get outside in nature during the day to embrace the season
  • Make frozen sun catchers with your kiddos if you have them
  • Bake

Winter Solstice Tarot Spread

Form the tarot spread in a circle with 6 cards, card 1 starts at the lefthand side of the semi-circle.

Card 1: Release- What do I need to leg go of as I move forward?

Card 2: Increase- Which aspect of my life needs more energy now?

Card 3: Decrease- What aspects of my life needs less energy now?

Card 4: Induce- What do I need to bring forth in my life at this time?

Card  5: Activate- What should I be calling into my life for the year ahead?

Card 6: Celebrate- What should I give thanks for at this years end?


Not into Tarot or Oracle cards? You can always just use the questions as journal prompts.

Take time

The main thing to remember is to take time for you this holiday season. Honoring the coming of the winter season by slowing down. Remember to get outside and connect with nature. It truly is a beautiful time to embrace the stillness of the trees, the quietness and solitude of the forest. Invest in warm clothes in the winter season that will help you get outside. I bought a nice pair of snow pants and an underlayer jacket that is perfect for me to go outside even in below 20 degree weather.


Wanting to learn how to embrace Seasonal living?

Learn more about the Seasonal Living Collective and how you can embrace the winter season. Each season I open the doors to my Seasonal Living Collective to teach you how to live seasonally using Ayurveda and Nordic traditions.

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I'm here to help you integrate the timeless principles of Ayurveda, lunar wisdom, and menstrual cycle alignment effortlessly into your daily routine.

I'm Andrea - your Seasonal living guide

LEarn My Story

I specialize in pre/postpartum wellness through an Ayurvedic lens. Pre/postpartum fitness has been something I've focused on for 17 years now and is my passion & calling in life. 

I host a weekly podcast, Peaceful Power Podcast and have written two cyclical living books- Divine Body Wisdom and Ayurvedic Approach to Healing Your Menstrual Cycle. 

I graduated from Shakti School in 2019 as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. I'm a 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic postpartum doula graduate from Inner Sun & Moon AyurDoula Program. 

My other interests are playing tennis, watching the Hallmark Channel, and enjoying my morning cup of coffee. I also love exploring my favorite nature trail with my two boys and hubby. 

I'm an Ayurvedic Wellness counselor, Ayurvedic postpartum doula & 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Personal trainer since 2007.

I'm Andrea — your Ayurveda & Yoga  Guide

Learn what practices are best to live in alignment with the current season. You will also receive a yoga asana practice, seasonal tips, two Ayurvedic seasonal recipes and dosha pacifying practices. 

Ayurvedic Guide to the Fall Season 

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