Happy new year and welcome to the next evolution of the podcast and ultimately myself. I will say it feels good, I feel as if I’m coming home to myself. I know I thought about taking January off but feel the call after my two week break to get back on the microphone, have juicy conversations and connect with everyone again.
I will report my holiday season was one of sickness. My son threw up on me on Christmas Eve in which I was sick 2 days later that basically wiped me out until January 1st. I’m grateful for the rest and time to just sit on the couch and watch a lot of tv and movies. Virgin River on Netflix was my binge of choice and recommend if you enjoyed Men in Trees and Hart of Dixie. Along with binging on tv shows I also created my new website which I’m very proud of it’s the best website I’ve ever had you can find it at www.andreaclaassen.com
What’s in-store this year on the podcast?
This month we are starting with the theme of Rest & Restore. I have two incredible guests lined up for the month. Let’s dive into this months topic rest & restore and why I picked it and how you can implement it into your life.
January is often a month that feels long, gloomy, cold and dark at least in the midwest it often does. We experience all four seasons here and after the new year there is not a lot to look forward to as the next break doesn’t happen until spring break for many. We are often met with the feeling of I need to hit the ground running on January 1st, in which our motivation lags by the third week of the year. We get tired from hitting the ground running. Instead of pushing ourselves to work extra hard at this time of the year I want to see if you can try something new. Rest and restore, resist what society tells us we “should” be doing. For myself getting sick made me start the year slow. New Years Eve for me looked like grabbing my journal, turning on Charmed (the old version) and crafting goals for 2020 and reflecting on 2019 and what goals I stuck with why or why not. When my husband got home I turned on The Crown watched an episode and did restorative yoga poses while watching and went to bed by 9:30pm to read for 30 minutes and call it a night.
This was the first time in years that I haven’t had any wine or champagne. I woke up in 2020 feeling really good, clear and alive. I know the feelings I want to cultivate this year and what it will take for me to achieve them. I would love for you to reflect on what you want to call in this year? Don’t put “shoulds” on your list, such as thinking you should workout more, or meditate more if you don’t feel like it’s something you really want.
How can you rest and restore in January this year?
What do you need to do to rest your body but not be com placate? Movement to me is a way to connect to my intuition and a juicy yoga practice all month long has me excited to get up and move in a way that will feel good. What else do you need to do to restore? For me I haven’t been feeling called to drink wine which is amazing, I didn’t make it a goal like I did last year just to disappoint myself if I feel short I just am honoring what feels right around it. I have enjoyed 4 Sigmatic Mushroom Cacao mix as an evening ritual and treat instead. That is a way to restore myself and a connection point to my evening practices that I want to develop this year. Nothing set in stone just honoring how I feel and what really is invigorating me at the moment.
I will say this for myself in the human design test I’m a projector. Which has been the most on-point test of who I feel I am. I’m someone who is highly intuitive that’s why in-person connections go better for me than online. I really can dive into the energy of who I’m talking with and connect. I also can really outpour 4 hours of work in me a day before I’m depleted and running on fumes. I’m already working my schedule on how I can make those 4 hours be productive and the rest is me creating, learning, crafting, being. That’s how I can best help others, is by taking the time to do the things that restore me.
Let’s conclude with this
- If you haven’t reflected on what you want to call in this year start crafting your list.
- Ask yourself how you can rest & restore this month, if listening in January?
- Finally if you have taken the human design test give it a whirl it’s free if you google human design it’s usually the first link that says get your chart Jovian Archive you just need your date of birth and birth time.
Thank you again for being on this journey with me and I cannot wait to see what 2020 has in-store for us all.

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