October on the podcast our theme is pre/postpartum health. This is an area I focus on as a trainer and Ayurvedic wellness counselor. I know for my pregnancy with my son whose 3.5 years old wasn't planned as 50% of all pregnancies are. I know I've finally moved into the possibility of having another child and will be following all of the tips I share on today's podcast over the next few months to better prepare my body for pregnancy and postpartum healing period.
I have numerous guests on this month ranging from fitness professional, Ayurvedic postpartum doula, RN/doula, and a dietician. A little something for everyone ranging from preconception through postpartum time.
Month 1
- Sattvic, sweet, cool, water foods
- Plant based diet
- Organic
- Drink plain, whole, organic milk warm & spiced
- Take ghee with milk boiled with herbs- salparni, palasha
- Daily exercise including- stretching, gentle aerobic exercise
- Strength training several times a week
- Stress reducing practices
- Resume workouts as normal- intensity can stay higher
- Pregnancy is a time of heightened intuition
- Take time to do the following
- Take quiet time every day and set an intention to receive the information you need
- Listen to the cues in your body, especially your stomach/gut & heart
- Open your mind to the information that comes whatever it may be
Sweet Dreams Mama
- Warm-spiced milk- warm 1 cup of milk of your choice add a pinch of cardamom and turmeric and drizzle in honey or maple syrup
- Sandalwood essential oil- Place this essential oil in a diffuser or a drop on your palms or rub onto pillow case
- Warm sesame oil- massage onto your soles of feet to promote sound sleep. You may want to put socks on to prevent oil stains or slipping.
- Herbal pillows- Place a satchel of lavender flowers under pillow or have a bouquet of fresh lavenders by the beside can also use Blue Moon Essential Oil-Lavender
- Keep a dream journal- notice if any themes come up such as active, intensity, problem solving, teaching, or romance, desires, attachment. Let Andrea know and they are all associated with a dosha and we can find different ways to balance that dosha,
- Sit in meditation and make your exhale longer than your inhale
Month 2- (5-8 weeks)
Baby Info
- Taste buds form, smell receptors form, touch receptors develop, heartbeat begins
- Progesterone supporting foods- walnuts, pumpkin seeds, bananas, cruciferous vegetables, potatoes, pumpkin beans, chickpeas, lean meat, shellfish
- Foods supporting dhatu formation
- Rasa: Milk with sweet herbs
- Rakta: Foods rich in folate, iron, B12
- Mamsa: protein rich foods
- Daily activity & exercise
- Morning & afternoon stretching
- Daily walking
- Balancing activity with rest - 4:1 ratio rest to activity
- Resume workouts as normal- intensity can stay higher
2nd Month Pregnancy Exercises
Part 1
- Write down all of your fears and anxieties in your mind right now.
Part 2
- After you write down all of your fears either rip up the paper, or burn the paper.
- Shitali pranayama- Curl your tongue and breathe out through your tongue as a cooling breath.
- Listen to meditation that Andrea recorded
Month 3- (9-13 weeks)
Baby Info
- Sense organs are well on their way to formation
- Placenta takes over hormone formation
- Fetus protected in amniotic sac
- Desires of fetus may be seen as cravings of the mother
- Diet continues as listed in month 2 for dhatu formation
- Mineral rich/alkaline diet will support mother & child’s bones
- Follow healthy eating guidelines use herbs and spices to aid digestion
- Follow liver supporting protocols
- Maintain daily exercise
- Begin pelvic floor exercises
- For mind- spend time in nature
- Continue with regular exercise program
Mindfulness practices
- Inhale through your nose exhale out your mouth -12 deep breaths
End of 1st Trimester

Month 4- (14-17 weeks)
Baby Info.
- Rapid fetal growth
- Hard bones begin to develop
- Fetal heart is circulating blood
- Fetal heart rate nearly double the mothers
- Placenta provides hormones & nourishment to fetus
Mother Impact
- Mothers’ body shifts from stabilizing the pregnancy to nurturing uterine bed, strengthening uterine muscles & providing nourishment to the fetus.
- Mother begins gaining weight (60% this trimester)
- Energy surge as placenta takes over hormone production
- Appetite should increase & morning sickness subsides.
- Milk cooked with sweet rasa herbs & added ghee, honey & fresh butter
- Increase fiber intake
- Essential fatty acids taken in foods- seafood, nuts, seeds
- Dairy, Meat, fruit & iron rich foods
- Conserve increased energy as much as possible
- Daily time in silence & introspection
- Start training more glutes
- Start training more backbody exercises
- Pelvic floor strengthening
- Chest opening
- Walking

Tune into the podcast above to hear all of the recommendations.
About Your Podcast Host Andrea
Andrea is an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Personal Trainer & Yoga Teacher who has specialized in the pre/postpartum landscape for 14 years.
She became a mom herself in 2016 to an amazing boy, Jalen. All of these tips are from years of experience as well as her own personal experience.

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