Welcome to the Peaceful Power Podcast I'm your host Andrea Claassen and today I'm chatting about how I broke up with busy.
I wanted to discuss this topic after I have had this feeling that I'm not the only one who feels attached to their phones and the constant need to be busy and doing something. Half of the time I don't care what the something is I just want to feel like I'm important enough or something?!?
I recently had an Instagram break over 2 weekends where I deleted the app. I found so much space and peace in my life by doing so. I was much more present with what was going on and didn't feel the need to even know where my phone was half of the day. I also added a stipulation to only listen to 2-3 podcasts a day so I'm not constantly consuming content and not implementing what I'm learning. Something I've also found to be instrumental in my approach to being more present.
The final need to break up with busy came when I found myself consuming or needing to read a blog post, watch a FB live, or read every post even if it didn't pertain to me. I felt the need to always do instead of just be. Which is more of a lifelong habit and not something new to me but something I really want to recover from and move through.
Topics Discussed
- Visiting with grandparents
- Phone rules or deleting apps
- Do I really need to do that?
- What 3 things need to get done today?
- Done working by 7pm
- Give yourself permission to ask what you want & what you need
- We never have the time we always need to make the time
Weekly Challenge:
Where to connect with Andrea
- Instagram- instagram.com/seasonallivingmamas
- Facebook- facebook.com/andreaclaassen21
- Website- andreaclaassen.com

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