Ayurvedic Food Shifts for Spring
Every season comes you should be switching up your diet slightly. The gunas (qualities) going on outside are reflected on what’s going on inside of us.
Notice it’s more muddy, sticky, droopy feeling outside during early spring inside our bodies colds, coughs, congestion starts to occur more commonly the spring cold for example. Life is cyclical in that manner and our diets should be as well!
Instead of:
❌heavy soups, meats, cheeses, grains, root veggies, dairy (can cause a lot of mucus at this time), and processed foods.
✅ lighter cooked veggies (especially if prone to constipation cook those greens!), almost all green vegetables are a go right now to pacify the kapha energy, lighter grains- quinoa (if you can digest it), barley, millet, mung beans, lentils, and lighter treats such as honey as a sweetener, berries (to be eaten alone not at meal time).
The final key is what can YOU digest. Everybody is different and for some reason I personally do fine with red lentils but green lentils my body doesn’t like.. Play with your own diet to see what works for YOU!
Spoiler Alert
No diet in the world will help you lose weight if you can't digest the food you're eating...
Things that affect digestion:
- Eating while distracted (working, watching tv, eating in the car)
- Eating while feeling angry
- Improper food combinations
Slow down long enough to see how foods are making you feel, are you pausing before you eat the majority of the time, are you inhaling your food in 5 minutes?
All of that matters in Ayurveda.
- Eat seasonally
- Eat the right foods for you.
- Slow down & chew
- Eat without distractions
- Take time to have a bowel movement each morning.
Make it simple..
- Don't overthink
- You don't need to count calories, macros, or a cleanse (traditional Ayurveda doesn't suggest the current Ayurvedic cleanses being sold)
It all comes back to what can you digest, today?

Wanting more spring tips?
Download this free Ayurvedic Spring Guide to help you align your habits to the spring season!
This guide includes
- Ayurvedic Spring Tips to feel your best
- Abhyanga & dry brushing techniques
- Seasonal food list
- Morning Routine for the spring season
- Yoga routine for spring

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