Healing Your Hunger
Tricia Nelson is the guest this week on the Peaceful Power Podcast. Tricia talks about emotional eating, how to get back on track if things have fallen off the tracks this past year, and how to tune into your emotions to stop the emotional eating roller coaster.

Topics from this episode
- Healing your hunger
- Emotional eating
- Stop sugar challenge
- The PEP system for noticing why you emotionally eat
- How to stop obsessing over food
Why “comfort foods” are so comforting
Sugar Free Challenge
*Starting July 12th, 2021 or join the waitlist for the next round below!

Connect with Tricia
- Website: www.healyourhunger.com
- Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/HealYourHunger
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/tricianelson_
Tricia Bio
The weekly Challenge
Noticine your emotional connection with food this week. Do you go to your kitchen at the same time each day in search of food because of hunger or emotions?
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Divine Body Wisdom- A cyclical approach to living your life using Ayurveda, the seasons & the lunar cycle.
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