Batch Your Habits
What does batching your habits mean? It simply means pairing two items back to back to better your health goals. For example, tongue scrapping in the morning followed by brushing your teeth, or meditation followed by working out, or cooking a seasonal vegetable every time you make dinner. There are many ways to start batching your habits. Check out the checklist below to create lasting habit changes.
How to create a habit change
- Change your identity to change a habit
- Identify your Keystone Habit
- Transfer habit to an existing habit (pick a trigger)
- Batch your habits
- Make it ridiculously achievable to guarantee your success (start small)
- Schedule better habits...(put it on the calendar)
- Focus on the practice not the performance
- Replace bad habits with good habits
- Kaizen approach to habit change- small incremental improvements
- Surrender into the process not the outcome
- Figure out the “other” rewards you get from a bad habit. Rewrite those rewards
into your “new” habit
Craving better habits? Check out the free 5 day program Ayurveda for the modern mama. Learn how Ayurveda can be implemented into your daily routines.

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