The Fall is the perfect time to enjoy more intense workouts! Where are all of the intense workout fans at??
The weather is getting cooler so doing a more sweaty, high flying workouts such as HIIT, hot yoga, or spin classes are great at this time of the year. It will help keep us balanced if you use them in the right manner
Grounding yoga practices are also great to do right now. Think gentle yoga, restorative or yin yoga. Think yoga classes where you can get cozy, not work up a sweat but can cuddle with a blanket and just relax into the practice.
Sleep is huge right now. Day lights savings is coming up which means we fall back. Adjust your habits accordingly. It can be extremely hard to get back on track the next few weeks but if you slowly adjust bedtime routines now it will hopefully not be as challenging in a few weeks.
Adjust those morning and evening routines for the fall. We are still in the calm before the holiday storm. Start planning now for what those routines will be as we get closer to the holidays.
Afternoon grounding activity. Set your timer for either 1,2 or 3pm whatever time you struggle to find that energy. Everyday as the alarm goes off check in with your 10 minute medicine practices to see what you would benefit from in your life today. Everyday is different so honor what comes up!
Sipping warm beverages during the fall and winter months to help keep us warm and grounded. I love an afternoon tea as a ritual come fall and winter. Stock up on your favorite teas or a mushroom cacao for a special treat to help you stay cozy and warm this season.
What practices are you going to try this fall season? Remember start with 1 and whatever you feel called to try is it, don’t doubt yourself lean into that inner intuition.
Notice what dosha is imbalanced this week and how you might be able to treat it.

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