144: Information does not always equal transformation

June 12, 2018

Peaceful Power Podcast

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I'm here to help you integrate the timeless principles of Ayurveda, lunar wisdom, and menstrual cycle alignment effortlessly into your daily routine.

I'm Andrea - your Seasonal living guide

Welcome to the Peaceful Power Podcast today I’m talking about why information does not always equal transformation.


We are bombarded with so many messages nowadays you just need to do one scroll through your social media account of choice to see that. Everyone has their own agendas and want you to trust what they are doing. Now some of those claims are legit others just want to make a quick buck. We are left with the where & how do I sort all of this information?

I have this issue when I start to look at the business side of things. I’ve invested in thousands of dollars into business masterminds, coaches, and programs. Some were worth it others were overpriced. All were learning experiences as I’ve discovered ultimately I know the answers, the irony this is what I teach women only on the fitness side of things!! SMH.

How do we stop the consuming cycle?

  • Have social media breaks planned into your life
  • Pick your favorite 3-5 people to follow in each industry to avoid confusion
  • Start implementing! If we always consume we lose the point of actually implementing what we learn
  • Set parameters around your consumption
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters- unroll.me 
  • Take your Divine Time & 10 minute medicine breaks in your day
  • Listen to what feels good by tapping back into your intuition


Weekly Challenge:

Where do you keep trying to find more information instead of just trusting yourself and doing?

Where to connect with Andrea

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I'm here to help you integrate the timeless principles of Ayurveda, lunar wisdom, and menstrual cycle alignment effortlessly into your daily routine.

I'm Andrea - your Seasonal living guide

LEarn My Story

I specialize in pre/postpartum wellness through an Ayurvedic lens. Pre/postpartum fitness has been something I've focused on for 17 years now and is my passion & calling in life. 

I host a weekly podcast, Peaceful Power Podcast and have written two cyclical living books- Divine Body Wisdom and Ayurvedic Approach to Healing Your Menstrual Cycle. 

I graduated from Shakti School in 2019 as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. I'm a 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic postpartum doula graduate from Inner Sun & Moon AyurDoula Program. 

My other interests are playing tennis, watching the Hallmark Channel, and enjoying my morning cup of coffee. I also love exploring my favorite nature trail with my two boys and hubby. 

I'm an Ayurvedic Wellness counselor, Ayurvedic postpartum doula & 500 HR Yoga Teacher and Personal trainer since 2007.

I'm Andrea — your Ayurveda & Yoga  Guide to Postpartum Healing.

Learn what practices are best to live in alignment with the current season. You will also receive a yoga asana practice, seasonal tips, two Ayurvedic seasonal recipes and dosha pacifying practices. 

Ayurvedic Guide to the Fall Season 

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