What is a red tent?
In this week's podcast episode I have on the co-authors of Red Tents. A book that teaches you how to create a red tent, where to find one and how to lead an equitable women's circle.
Key Topics from the book
Sharing leadership & growing Red Tent spaces together.
Building Red Tent spaces that are liberatory and challenge oppression.
Navigating Covid-19 and virtual ways to deeply connect with one another.
Nourishing ourselves and one another, slowing down to rest and replenish ourselves.
Building more equitable spaces by putting genuine inclusion, including Trans and Non-Binary Rights and Anti-Racist practice at the heart of how they run.
Common challenges and how to overcome them. Leading together and making your Tent sustainable.
Topics from the episode
- What is a red tent?
- The history of red tents?
- How to lead and participate in a red tent.
- What goes on in a red tent
- The inspiration for the book & for leading red tent circles
Weekly Challenge
What is one thing in your life that you could co-create with someone else this week?

Andrea Bio
Self-Care with your cycle
Learn how to perform self-care acts that help you feel rested all month long no matter where your at in your cycle.

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