Crafting Your Own Nature Journal
Nature journaling is an ongoing activity you can do anytime of the year. All you need is a journal, an imagination, and a little creativity.
What to put in your journal
* Draw pictures of leaf drawings
* Draw pictures of bodies of water you've seen on your hike
* Write poetry
* Create a meditation as you sit outside in nature.
* Write down plant allies that you want to work with.
* Write down what plants you see on your walk
* Go through your 5 senses and write down what you've seen on your walk.
* Draw pictures of the flowers you've seen on your hike.
* Write what you want to plant in your garden
* Record spots that you want to make sure you go back to at some point.
Once you get home have a designated journal to continue to add your drawings and adventures to. Make sure you date it and write the location you were at when you saw the items.
If you need a pick me up your nature journal could be a fun book for you to come back to on days you feel off.

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