Living an Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Today's podcast is rich with Ayurvedic information. Whether you're brand new to Ayurveda or just hearing about it for the first time. This episode will teach you about living an Ayurvedic lifestyle to help you truly live a holistic minded lifestyle honoring your natural urges. This conversation discusses why we should not suppress our natural urges and the 3 causes of disease in Ayurveda, why you need to monitor not only what you eat but what your emotional body is doing. Victor also discusses exercise and the Ayurvedic approach to working out.
Victor Briere Bio
Where to connect with Victor
Autonomic nervous system and what Ayurveda
Vagus nerve
- Why you need to express your natural urges
- The 3 causes of disease
- Pulse diagnosis
- Nutrition & eating without distraction
- Ayurvedic approach to exercise
Weekly Challenge
Challenge 1- Eat dinner before 6pm
Challenge 2- Only use your cellphone for necessary communication this week
Andrea Bio

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