Learn how to incorporate Ayurveda into your life using some of my favorite ways to introduce Ayurvedic concepts in an easy to digest manner.
A monthly fitness lifestyle publication designed to help busy humans stay on track with their health goals. Each publication includes workouts you can do at home, simple healthy recipes, seasonal foods list, monthly Ayurvedic habits, new & full moon routines and self-care practices. The almanac was built for those wanting to understand the natural seasons of life.
Do you want to start to embrace the nourishing power of soup? Learn how to start enjoying early, lighter dinners with this 5 day soup challenge. It starts as soon as you sign-up!
Wanting to clean up your hand soaps, detergents, deodorants, shampoos, & makeup? I have taken the legwork out of the process for you and compiled a list of 3 brands I trust in every category. Learn how what products are safe for you and your family.
My go to tips for myself and clients when you’re a mom with younger kids. Life can be busy and hectic but we still need to make time for our health. I teach you practical ways to do just that! All have photo demos for each quickie workout!
This guide includes a breakdown of each of the 3 different body types. After you learn which body type you are you will have a clearer picture about what workouts will be best for not only your physical body but emotional/energetic body.
This guide is a quick resource to give you not only ideas of how to make yourself a priority it also serves as a guide to help you track how you’re doing this month on taking time for you.