1 Month Journey Into the Doshas

Hustle, Muscle & Flow
These are the workouts I used to personally lose 40 pounds after I had my son. These workouts have been the game changer for so many women who have hit a plateau on their fitness goals.
These workouts are most effective if you have access to a treadmill to do the cardio portion. If you hate the treadmill don’t worry it’s just 10 minutes : ) After the treadmill portion there is a 20 minute strength training section. This is a 6 month program that has video links to demonstrate the moves or a written description as well as a training guide so you know exactly when to do each workout.
As soon as you purchase the program you can download it today and get started!
Price: $39
**These workouts are safe to do 6 months postpartum
HMF 2.0
A 3 month workout program geared to be the second leg of the original Hustle, Muscle & Flow program. This program just needs a set of dumbbell and has a few workouts that have optional treadmill portions or at-home cardio 10 minute options.
**This is a great program if you don’t know if the treadmill workouts are for you.
Price: $29
**This program is safe to do 5-6 months postpartum